I tried and failed at Nablopomo last year. I don't know why I think I can do it now when I couldn't then, especially now that I'm working from home. Selling encyclopedias door to door. Want some? Ha! There's nothing like delusion, denial and a nice little SSRI cocktail to get one through the day.
The sun has continued to rise and set since I last posted, so lots of really fascinating info (about sleep cycles, 1st grade homework, Henry's progress as a professional talker) has sort of drifted under the bridge. I hope to exploit it all to get through this month of daily posting.
Robin and her kids are here for Halloween again. It has become sort of a tradition, which is obviously nice for us, and I think it is pretty good for them, too. New England, while always beautiful and robust, seems somehow to be at its most authentic, or at least true-to-type in the fall. We dress up as cats and poodles and power rangers and tromp through leaves in beautiful crisp weather. Annie and Abe bring out the best in Franny and Henry. Robin brings out the best in me. And I'm sorry to say that my best is still an asshole.
Whether it's every day or not, it's nice to have you back, J.
Posted by: always home and uncool | November 02, 2009 at 04:55 PM